Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Still working around the hip after the incident of yesterday, but a good day's training all things considered.

20lbs weighted pull-ups:
3x4 tactical
3x4 close chin grip
3x4 wide tactical

All on 60 seconds rest

135lbs power clean and press:
Did not reclean the bar for the second rep, but rather just pressed from the rack position

195lbs low bar back squat:

Both the press and the squats were straight sets on 3 minute rests

Skipped the snatches that I had intended out of respect for my back. Did a bit of back bridging and my rehab drills for the hip.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I finally broke one of my barbells today. It has the threaded end bolts, so I knew when I got it it was only a matter of time before it broke. I am considering going with a Pendlay Rogue as my replacement. It's a pretty nice bar from what I understand, and it is knurled for PL and OL, which is cool. The most important thing is the sleeves use snap ring construction, so they should never break.

20lbs weighted pull-ups:
Rest 10 seconds for every rep in the set just completed

32kg TGU:
6 minutes continuous

275lbs DL
5-4 bar broke and I tweaked my back a bit. Real day ruiner actually.

115lbs bench press:

Wrist roller and abs/hip rehab

32kg swings:

Monday, December 29, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
90 seconds rest between sets

135lbs power clean and press:
3 minutes rest between sets

195lbs low bar back squat:
3 minutes rest between sets

32kg swing:
6 minutes hard
Did sets of 10 and tried to keep rest to a minimum. No attempt was made to count total reps.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


More experiments, and another day of split training sessions.

24kg TGU:
15 minutes continuous
Mixed it up between TGU+ a press at the kneeling position, TGU+ windmill and TGU+ OHS. This was a solid way to get moving with sore hamstrings from my first day of back squats in quite some time.

275lbs DL:

Plate curls:
2x3 at 20lbs, 3x3 at 15lbs

2 hands pinch:
5x5 at 90lbs

16kg BU C&P:

135lbs bench press:

This is the other experiment. I stopped doing bench a long time ago essesntially because I thought it was silly and nonfunctional. Since then I have come to the more balanced view that the move is a good one, while the people who view it as the be all and end all of weight training are silly and nonfunctional. I still think a bodyweight press is a better measure of a man than a heavy bench, but I also know that benching is one of the best assistance exercises for my press, and that it makes push-ups easier as well. Others may disagree on both points, but I am as certain about both of these as I can be with regards to knowing my own body and how it repsonds to training. Assuming the total training volume is within the bounds of what I can reasonably handle, look for my C&P to go to bwt+ for reps in the near future. I have been a bit obstinate about not benching, but recently I have been realizing just how silly it is for someone with no compelling reason not to bench to avoid the upper body exercise that lets one use the most weight. (In college I built my bench up to over 300lbs, and I will be interested to see how high it climbs this time.) With certain exceptions like the leg press, moving a lot of weight is nearly always "functional." I like the Mark Rippetoe quote where he says something like "I don't know of any better indicator of functional strength than a 600 pound deadlift, except a 700 pound deadlift." Really, any strength is functional, although it will never replace skill training, which is what I think people are missing when they make fun of the bench by asking when you would ever be lying on your back and pushing something off of you. Well, likely never. But when would you need to deadlift a barbell outside of a weightroom or a competition? The strength from weight training is neither completely functional nor completely specific to the barbell. Rant off.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Happy Boxing Day!

Today was a busy day of spending time with friends and family, so my training was split into 3 sessions. It was a good way to fit in some quality time under the bar without letting my training interfere with the holiday season.

Weighted pull-ups:
70lbs- 7 singles on 60 seconds rest
35lbs- 3x (1,2,3) rest approx 15 seconds between rungs and 1 minute between ladders

135lbs power clean and press:
On 3 minutes rest

185lbs back squat:

32kg swing:

The squats and swings were supersetted as 5 squats, 15 swings, 3 minutes rest, repeat.

The squats are an experiment. I have a theory that the Bear Complex squats banged up my knees because I was in a hurry and was bouncing out of the hole. I am doing a low bar PL style squat to below parallel, keeping it slow and controlled and seeing how the knees feel.


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
Rest 60 seconds between sets

Forward and back 3x5 with dumbbell

One hand pinch:
7 singles with 2x25lbs plates

Also received a COC #2 that I attempted to close several times without success. I will try it after a down week and see what happens.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
3x4 with a tactical grip
3x4 with a close chin-up grip
3x4 with a wide tactical grip

All on 60 seconds rest

115lbs barbell C&P:
3x3 on 90 seconds rest

24kg snatch:
On the top of the first minute 10 reps L
On the top of the seconds minute 10 reps R
and so on...
Then 4 minutes of 5/5 at the top of the minute.

Total 120 reps in 12 minutes

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
Rest 10 seconds for every rep completed in the last set.

32kg TGU:
5 singles L/R

275lbs DL:

16kg BU C&P:
4x (1,2,3)


Today was my 2nd wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary Annie!

20lbs weighted pull-ups:
Rest 90 seconds between efforts

Basically just screwed around with a barbell and some kettlebells. I need to figure out what I am doing since the squats in the Bear complex haven't been agreeing with my knees.

Abs complex:
Same as last time. I am considering switch this to full contact twist plus my hip rehab drills that I used to do.

16kg Vo2 max snatches:
30 sets of 6

Pretty easy. I may need to up my cadence to 7 reps per set. I quit becuase I ran out of time and needed to get ready for work, but I felt I could have gone pretty much all day at that pace.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Accidentally skipped yesterday's training by sleeping in a bit, but today was back at it with a vengeance. Grip work went especially well.

24kg TGU:
8 minutes of singles

275lbs DL:

16kg BU C&P:

2 hands pinch:
90lbs (2x45lbs plates) 3x3

Plate curl:
20lbs (2x10lbs plates) 3x3

Finger curl:
135lbs 3x3

Funny, I didn't do a single pull-up, but between flaring the lat on the BUPs and all the other pulling I did I had a feeling of fatigue in my back and arms identical to what I get after a hard pull-up workout.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
60 seconds rest between sets

16kg snatch:

Vo2 Max snatch cadence test

2x 2 60D Timber Ties taped together
1x 5" length of 1/4" HRS
1x 60D Timber Tie barehanded (only to about 90 degrees)

All bends were reverse, I did not complete the crushdown on the barehanded bend

Empty dumbell forward and back for 3x5 each way
Sledge for a few partial singles to the face and back

16kg BU C&P:
3x (1,2,3) ladders

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
3x3 w/ tactical grip
3x3 w/ close chin-up grip
3x3 w/ wide tactical grip

All on 60 seconds rest

Bear complex:
3x1 at 135lbs

2 minutes rest between sets

3 rds of
10 seated leg extension
5/5 oblique bridge

I owe myself some snatches tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
Rest 10 seconds for every rep in the set just completed

32kg TGU:

275lbs DL:

Monday, December 15, 2008


First day on the new program, and it was brutal in a good way. Colin, you are correct that the pull-ups emphasis lately is a result of my being upset about the recent USMC challenge. The bear is every bit as tough as I remembered, but as far as bang for my buck training goes, it has worked well in the past and it works well for me in the early morning.

20lbs weighted pull-ups:
on 90 seconds rest

Bear complex:
3x3 at 135

2 rds of 10 seated leg extensions and 5/5 oblique bridge

24kg snatch:
5/5 on the minute for 8 minutes plus an additional 5/5 for a total of 90 snatches today

Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Program

The programming for the next little bit has been forming in my mind over the past week. I have been considering my goals, limitations, and resources and I think I have come up with one of my best programs yet. I will be training pull-ups, a barbell complex called the bear, deadlifts, swings and snatches, get-ups, bending and forearm work, and abs. The weekly template is based roughly on the ROP.

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 1 (5 max sets on 90 seconds rest)
Bear complex: Heavy day
KB snatch: Heavy day
Abs: An ab emphasis drill supersetted with an oblique emphasis drill

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 2 (1 ladder resting 10 seconds for every rep completed in the last set, then one final max set)
TGU: A few singles at 32kg or with a barbell
DL: 54321

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 3 (3 training sets each with regular pronated, close supinated and wide pronated grips, rest 60 seconds between sets)
Bear complex: Light day (same number of sets as Monday, but 2 reps less per set)
Abs: Same as Monday
KB snatch: Light day

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 4 (As many training sets as possible with normal grip, rest 60 seconds between sets)
Bending: 3-5 medium or hard pieces
Wrists: Wrist roller and levering

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 5, variety (3-7 singles plus low volume ladders)
Bear complex: Medium day (same number of sets as Monday, but 1 rep less per set)
KB swings: Medium day

TGU: High volume day with the 24kg
DL: 54321
Bending: 10-12 easy to medium pieces
Forearm/grip: Plate curls and 2 hand pinch

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Weighted pull-ups:
2x1 at 24kg
5x1 at 32kg
2x1,2 at 24kg
3x1,2,3 at 16kg
The rest on the singles was 60 seconds, while on the ladders I rested 30 seconds between rungs

2x1/1 at 24kg

TGU + press:
5x1/1 at 24kg
On each rep I lowered the bell to the shoulder and pressed it at both the lunge position and the upright position. I got the idea from a recent video on the IronTamer blog.

5/5 on the minute for 5 minutes

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


5x5 on 60 seconds rest

AMT2 Circuit:
7 rds of-
10 swings
1/1 get-up
plus a final set of 30 swings
in 15 minutes with 24kg

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Today was the 5k run. It actually was more like 2.76 miles, since somehow the race volunteers led us astray and the entire group of runners cut about 500m from the course. My time was nothing special, I was probably in the top 1/3 overall. It was about 28F and snowing, with a little over an inch of fresh snow on the ground. Not ideal conditions, but I try not to worry about conditions since everyone runs the same course at the same time as me. My time was 20:55, which is a bit slower than I would've liked, but I just did not have 6:45 miles in me today. I would be interested to try again at a time when I've really been working the swings and snatches hard, just to see what I could do with only KBs for conditioning.

Friday, December 5, 2008


20lbs weighted pull-ups:
5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3

16kgx2, 24kgx2, 32kgx2 rest 60 seconds and repeat for three rds


Took the day off from swings as tomorrow I am entered in a 5k. Don't really know why I thought this would be a good idea since I haven't been serious about conditioning lately and the weather is supposed to be low 20s and snowing, but oh well. Hopefully I finish in at least sub 20 minutes but I sincerely doubt it. Last time running was my PFT in May.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Sets of 25, final count TBA

5 sets of 6, 1 set of 5
All on 60 seconds rest

32kg TGU:
7 singles
Rest 60 seconds after every 1/1 reps

16kg snatch:
5/5 on the minute for 12 minutes, total 120

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


3 sets of 5 with a conventional grip
3 sets of 5 with a close chin-up grip
3 sets of 5 with a wide grip
All on 60 seconds rest

Slow circuit:
3 rds of the following drills-
15 lbs plate curls, 3 reps
Hanging leg raise with knees bent, 10 reps
Levering, side to side 3 reps and up and down 5 reps
16kg KB cross chops, 10 reps each side
Press 16kg, 24kg and 32kg KBs for 2 reps each

Rest 60 seconds between rds

Tuesday, December 2, 2008



Resting 10 seconds for every rep in the set just completed

Double 24kg press:
On 1 minute rests

24kg snatch and swing:
5 rds of 5/5 snatches and 5/5 swings
45 seconds rest between rds

Monday, December 1, 2008


I am extending the kettlebell cycle for a week because I've just started my new job and kettlebells are a little bit easier to squeeze in than barbells. I am going to be evaluating the new schedule over the coming week, but it looks as though my work may dictate at least a few more weeks of doing mostly kettlebells. I may even go back to a ROP-like template if it looks like that would work best, and just do PTP deads on the variety days. The problem is that the "gym" at my new job has nary a barbell in sight, but I could pretty easily stash a kettlebell or two in my office and work out there on my lunch break. The other option is working out early in the morning, which is what I did today, but I know from past experience that deadlifts and 5am don't mix very well. Anyway, I will persevere somehow.

13, 7, 5, 6, 5
on 90 seconds rest

24kg TGU:
12 minutes
First 8 minutes or so were pretty much non stop, after that short breaks were required to keep form dialed in.

16kg snatches:
5/5 on the minute for 10 minutes, total 100 snatches

Friday, November 28, 2008



20 lbs weighted pull-ups:

Double 24kg KB press:

24kg swings:
5 rds of 10/10, 5/5 resting 30 seconds between rds

-Hamstring stretch
-Souped up toe touch
-Decompression hang

2 rds

Thursday, November 27, 2008



10 sets of 5 on one minute rest. Attempted an 11th set, but only got to 4 reps before pulling the plug.

COC #1:
7 singles with handles choked to just outside parallel

32kg TGU:
6 singles

16kg snatches:
5/5 on the minute for 8 minutes. 80 total snatches

24kg snatches:
2x5/5 just to see how it felt with the heavier bell


3 sets of 5 with a regular overhand grip
3 sets of 5 with a close chin-up grip
3 sets of 5 with a wide overhand grip

All on 1 minute rest intervals


Plate curls:
3x3 at 20 lbs (2 dimes)

Elbow work:
Curls and overhead triceps extensions

Superset of 10 HLR and 10 cross chops with a 25lbs plate 3 times through

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Rest periods were 10 seconds per rep completed.

As many rds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 tire flips
60lbs KB swing, 5/5 reps
5 burpees
Double 60lbs KB farmer carry, same distance as flips.

Got 7 rds exactly

Monday, November 24, 2008


6x15 on 1:30 rest

13, 8, 6, 5, 5

20 minutes with the 24kg. Did not count reps. First 8 minutes were continuous work, then my left shoulder started to feel less and less stable so I took short breaks after every 1/1.


Nothing special. Bent several lengths of 1/4" HRS. First time using the DO style of bending for anything harder than a 60D Timber Tie. It is a good possition for me to hold the steel in. The RV feels more natural, but after just a few attempts I was able to really bear down on the steel in the DO style. I bent a 5" length of 1/4" HRS, which matches what I've been able to do with RV.

Friday, November 21, 2008


32, 30, 30

25lbs weighted pull-ups:
5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 3
rest 1 minute between sets

Little bit of shoulder and elbow rehab/prehab.

Climbed a 15ft rope once.

As many rds as possible in 12 minutes of the following

Flip a tractor tire, 7 flips
16lbs sledge strikes, 5/5 reps
70lbs KB swing, 5/5/reps

Got 7 rds plus the tire flips for the 8th rd.

Rubber band extensor work. (Have been working this for several days pretty steadily but keep forgetting to log it.)

Thursday, November 20, 2008


40, 25, 15

18 sets of 4 on 1 minute rest. Definitely going to try sets of 5 next week.

89x1, 75x1, 75x1

Joint mobility and call it a day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


31, 27, 24

9 sets of 4 on 1 minute rest.
1st 3 sets are normal grip, 2nd 3 sets are close grip chin-ups, last 3 sets are wide grip


Cross chops:
3x10 with 25lbs plate

Front squats:
2x10 at 111lbs

Plate curls:
3x4 at 17.5lbs

1x 60D Common

5/5 each with the 16, 24 and 32kg
This was done on a :30/:30 clock. I got a total of 5 rds plus an additional 5/5 with the 16kg

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Took it a bit easy today. Broke one of the 60D Pole Barn nails pretty easily. I think I was just fatigued yesterday when I couldn't move it.

34, 31
skipped the 3rd set for some reason

Rest was 10 seconds for each rep completed.

Also worked levering with an empty dumbbell and slapped a phone book on top of a cinder block for a bit to toughen up my hands. Tomorrow I work the swings hard. Wasn't feeling it today.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I am trying out the famous Armstrong pull-up program during this two week cycle. If it works I may keep using it during the 2 week kettlebell cycles. I am still experimenting with everything except the core of the program, which of course is PTP and the New Program Minimum.

31, 28, 27

According to Armstrong, you should do three max sets of push-ups in the morning while on the pull-up program. These are not quite max sets, they are to a comfortable stop. Still, not outrageously good numbers. I hope to get the first set closer to 50 by the end of these two weeks.

5 max sets on 90 seconds rest
13, 7, 5, 5, 5

Again, not quite a true max, but a good hard effort on each set.

Started out with a bunch of grade 2 bolts, which were disappointingly easy, even cut to 5"
6" length of 1/4" HRS
3x 80D Pole barn nails cut down to 6"
Interesting to bend. These are very springy and they all broke during the crush. I also tried some 60D pole barn nails, but these stopped me dead in my tracks, which was good. I was beginning to be very frustrated with the stock I had bought. The pole barn nails are very springy and do not hold a bend very well, which is challenging since for me the hardest part of the bend is the initial kink.

15 minutes of work, where the first 10 minutes consisted of singles with the 32kg, 16kg and 24kg repeated without rest. Got 3 rds, then switched to singles with the 24kg for the last 5 minutes and got another 4 singles on each arm.

Tabata front squats at 115:

Hamstring stretch:
3 sets

Decompression hang:
2 sets

Souped up toe touch:
1 set


Just got back late last night/early this morning from a trip down to West Tennessee to visit my grandmother. She had never met Anja, so it was a fun time. I wasn't sure if I would train while we were gone, but Annie had the foresight to make me throw a 24kg kettlebell in the car, and I also packed my chokered #1 COC gripper.

Usual SJ routine

#1 choked to just outside parallel


Weighted pull-ups on a sturdy tree branch:


166 one handed swings in 10 minutes with the gymboss set at :30/:30

Hamstring stretch:
3 sets

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Side press:
65x5, 55x5

280x5, 250x5

Other stuff-
25lbs weighted pull-ups:

Plate curls:
3x3 at 17.5lbs

Hamstring stretch:
3 sets

Souped up toe touch:
3 sets

Decompression hang:
1 set

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Side press:
2x (1,2,3) 1x (1,2,1) ladders at 65lbs.
Took 30 seconds rest after completing each rung L/R. Should've taken 1 min. between ladders so I would've completed all 3.

275x5, 245x5

50lbs DB snatch:

Cross chops with a 25lbs plate:

Pinch grip row:
4 nickels x2, 3 nickels and a 2.5x5

Elbow rehab-
EZ curl bar reverse curls:
3x5 at 45lbs

EZ curl bar overhead tricep extension:
3x5 at 45lbs

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Side press:
60x5, 55x5, 55x5

270x5, 245x5

Other stuff-
Weighted pull-ups:
25x1, 35x1, 45x1, 55x1, 65x1

Plate curls:
3x5 at 15 lbs


It will soon be time to move up the weight on the plate curls. I will do this on my next PTP cycle. The pull-ups should probably be done for singles across at 45lbs based on how these felt. Jandas need to stay at 3x3 for a bit longer. Looking forward to trying a bit of bending next week. My hands and wrists feel very strong.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Side press:
55x2, 65x2, 75x2, 65x2, 80x1

265x5, 245x5

50lbs DB snatch:
100 total reps broken down as
10/10, 10/10, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 5/5, 10/10

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Side press:
70x3, 65x5, 60x5, 60x5, 55x5

270x5, 245x5

Other stuff-
20lbs weighted pull-ups:

Full contact twist:
3x3 at 15lbs on the loaded end of the bar

2 point row:
3x5 at 75lbs


Pronated grip EZ curls:
3x5 at 45lbs

Behind the head EZ curl bar tricep extension:
3x5 at 45lbs

Friday, November 7, 2008


Side press:
65x5, 55x5

265x5, 245x5

One arm barbell curl:
3x3 at 45lbs

Plate curl:
3x4 at 15lbs

Pinch grip row:
3x4 at 27.5lbs

Wrist roller:
3 trips both ways with a 24kg KB dragged along the floor

30lbs DB snatch:

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Side press:
60x5, 50x5

260x5, 235x5

Also got a couple of bottoms up press singles on each side with the 24kg.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Side press:
55x5, 50x5

255x5, 230x5


Gun show-
Pronated grip EZ curl:
3x5 at 45lbs

EZ curl bar triceps extension:
3x5 at 45 lbs

2 point barbell row:
3x5 at 50lbs

Monday, November 3, 2008


Side press:
50x5, 45x5

250x5, 225x5

Plate curls:
2x5 at 15 lbs (10 and 5 lbs plates)

Pinch grip rows:
2x5 at 25lbs (2x10lbs plates, 1x5lbs)

Wrist roller:
1 trip with the 70lbs KB attached, then the string broke. I will fix it later.

One arm barbell curl:
3x3 at 45lbs

50lbs DB snatch:
3x10/10 with a 30 second rest between sets

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Usual SJ routine

32kg swings:
5/5 on the minute for 7 minutes. Had intended to go 12 minutes, but some forearm pain caused me to throw in the towel early.


Usual SJ routine

32kg TGU:
8 singles L/R in about 19 minutes



Monday, October 27, 2008


I know I said no working out, but this morning I really felt the urge to do something.

Usual SJ routine

50lbs DB snatch:

Didn't keep time but was done in about 6 minutes.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Planned days off

I will be taking a few days off with the goal of getting back into it on Nov. 3rd. I have a crazy busy week or so coming up, and this will be a good break for my battered right hand as well.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Training schedule got thrown off a bit because of driving all day yesterday, but today I'm back in the saddle.

Usual SJ routine

1 rd each minute of:
32kg swing, 5/5
10 sledge strikes

Went 10 minutes.

Skipping the grip work again because of my battered right hand. It is getting better, but I have learned my lesson many times about pushing on through pain, and I am determined to let this heal properly.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus some face the wall squats and windmills

Double 24kg swings, 10 reps
Double 24kg farmer carry, 10 meters

1 rd each minute for a total of 10 minutes.

No grip today as it feels like I bruised my right hand a bit during the last bending session. I will get back to it as soon as it feels a little less tender.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Usual SJ routine

As many rds as possible in 10 minutes of:
Double 24kg swing, 10 reps
Double 24kg farmer carry, about 15 meters

Got 10 rds

Pinch grip:
Lifted a 20lbs DB by the bell blockweight style
3x5 rows

Did COC yesterday and hands are a bit tender from all the bending this week, so I am leaving the grippers out tonight.

New Strength Feat

Above is a license plate I tore into quarters last night.
Below is a pile of stuff I have bent in recent months.
Today's training will follow later, for now I'm off on a family walk.

Friday, October 17, 2008


5 pairs of 60D Timber Ties taped together. This pretty well exhausted me. I will bend only one day next week, as I have really hit it hard the past three bending days.

Trainer 3x3

Barbell front squat:
115lbs 3x10

4 singles at 16kg
3 singles at 65lbs fat bar

Gun show-
2 point barbell row:
65lbs 1x10

E-Z bar reverse grip curl:
45lbs 1x10

E-Z bar skull crusher:
45lbs 1x10

The real ticket to the gun show is the bending I have been doing. It truly works the entire upper body. Also, stay tuned for a photo of the latest feat I added to my arsenal.


Usual SJ routine

Double 24kg front squat:

32kg TGU:
4/4 in 8 minutes

2 pairs of 60D Grip Brite Timber Ties taped together (both in about 20-30 seconds)

5.5 inch length of 1/4" HRS

60D common nail (PR)


Please excuse the delay in posting lately. I forgot to take my power cord on my trip to Wisconsin and thus was unexpectedly computer-less most of the week.

Usual SJ routine

Swings/farmer carries:
As many rds as possible in 10 minutes of
32kg swing, 10 reps
2x50lbs DB farmer carry, approx 10 yards

Ended up with 12 rds

Deadlift a 25lbs dumbbell by the bell for 3x5

Also forgot to bring COC on this trip, so no gripper work.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today marks the first day of a two week cycle of kettlebells. I will also be working on bending, block weights and grippers.

Double 24kg front squat:

2x6" grip brite timber ties taped together. I had kinked this a couple weeks ago and this week I completed the sweep.

2x6" grip brite timber ties taped together. This was a start to finish bend. PR.

1/4x6" HRS

32kg TGU:
5 singles L/R in 10 minutes


Usual SJ routine (first day back on the wagon after approximately 2 weeks off)

Side press:
65x5, 60x5

285x5, 255x5

2x10lbs plate curls:

2x10lbs high pull:

Wrist roller:
2 trips each way with 16kg on the floor

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Side press:
60x5, 55x5

280x5, 250x5

Gun show- (rehab/prehab)
E-Z curl bar curls:

Barbell 2 point row:

E-Z curl bar skull crushers:
65x5, 65x3

Friday, October 10, 2008


Side press:
55x5, 50x5

275x5, 245x5


Try this link for the wrist roller idea. It is a John Brookfield Grip Tip from


Anja is 11 months today!

Side press:
50x5, 45x5

270x5, 245x5

Pinch grip pick-up:
2x10lbs plates picking up a box cutter 2x5 high pull

Wrist roller:
Drag a 20lbs kettlebell across the floor 2 trips both ways. I will upgrade to the 16kg next time I do this.

Plate curls:
2x10lbs plates 2x5

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Side press:
65x5, 60x5

265x5, 245x5

Full contact twist:
3x5 with 7.5 pounds on loaded end of bar

Monday, October 6, 2008


Annie is celebrating a birthday today! Happy birthday Annie!

Side press:
60x5, 55x5

260x5, 235x5

Pinch grip pick-up:
2x5lbs plates gripping a roll of athletic tape
-Curl 2x5
-High pull 2x5

Wrist roller:
Dragging a 20lbs kettlebell across the floor 2 trips both ways

Plate see-saw:

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Side press:
55x5, 50x5

255x5, 235x5

Barbell row:

Ring dips:

Dumbbell curls:

Behind the head triceps extension:

I am not trying to get two tickets to the gun show. I got the idea to work the elbow flexors and extensors from the Diesel Crew and indeed it seems to help ward off the soreness I had been having in my elbows.

Should also add that I GTG with several sets of pull-ups and push-ups daily. Currently I am doing 6 pull-ups and 15 push-ups per set.


Side press:
55x5, 50x5

250x5, 225x5

3 sets of 5

Friday, October 3, 2008


Side press:
50x5, 45x5

245x5, 225x5

I had intended to finish out another month of the ROP, but I just couldn't face it. I have been on the program for 12 weeks and fully expect to go back to it at some point, but for now the plan is two weeks PTP followed by two weeks of kettlebells, primarily swings and get-ups.

Forearm/hand strength-
Pinch grip pick-up:
(2x5lbs plates grasping a roll of athletic tape.)
2x5 high pull
2x5 plate curl

Wrist roller:
2 trips dragging a 20lbs KB across the floor for about 8-10 feet

Plate see-saw:

Every exercise is from the John Brookfield Grip Tips on IronMind. Fantastic free resource.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Light day-
5x (1,2) at 32kg

5x (1,2)

2 sets of 6/6 at 24kg

3 sets of 6/6 at 24kg

Starting in November I will be alternating 2 weeks of PTP with 2 weeks of swings and get-ups. I plan to more or less eliminate the snatch from my ROP workouts between now and then because it's just not worth tearing up my hands. One of these days I hope to get the form better, but until then I really don't care that much about it.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Heavy day-
2x (1,2,3,4) 3x (1,2,3) at 32kg

2x (1,2,3,4) 3x (1,2,3) on a tree limb

110 swings in 5 minutes with 32kg

Also did some mobility, calisthenics and elbow work throughout the day.

Highland games were fun. I took 2nd both days. Sunday was by far my better performance, which was good because the competition was much tougher. Same guy beat me by a mile both days. I got a t-shirt as a prize each day, but they are both size XL. I usually wear a medium. I suppose they thought it was reasonable to assume that the top finishers would likely be bigger guys.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Signing off for a bit

I am taking the rest of the week more or less off. I will be doing a bit of bending and calisthenics as well as competing in a watered down Highland Games over the weekend. ROP resumes with a heavy day on Wednesday, though I may take a variety day on Monday to ease myself back in.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Variety day-
1x (1,2,3,4,5,6) 1x (1,2,3,4,5) 1x (1,2,3,4)

5 singles at 65lbs on the fat bar

280x5, 250x5


2 hand plate pinch DL:
2x5 at 70lbs

Plate curls:
10x15lbs, 10x12.5lbs

Plate seesaw:
2x10 at 5lbs

Elbow and shoulder rehab

Friday, September 19, 2008


Light day-
5x (1,2) at 32kg pressing from the shoulder on the 2 rep rungs

5x (1,2) at 30lbs

5/5 on the minute for 7 minutes at 24kg

Making progress on my snatch form. Hand health suffering less and less on my snatch days.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Heavy day-
1x (1,2,3,4) 4x (1,2,3)

1x (1,2,3,4) 4x (1,2,3)

As many rds as possible in 8 minutes of
32kg swing, 5 reps
5 burpees

Got 11 rds

Did some elbow and shoulder rehab work in between the presses and the conditioning

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus one time through the following bodyweight workout from IronMind.
Jumping Jacks x 20
BW Squats x 15
Push ups x 15
Burpees x 10
Walking Lunges x 20
Mountain Climbers x 50
Dive Bomber Push ups x 15
Jump Squats x 10
Alternating Leg V-ups x 20

It is actually recommended to go for max rds in 30 minutes, but my goal was to wake up and get moving rather than have a killer smoke session so I just trotted through it once.

Variety day-
5 singles, one at 70lbs barbell, the rest at 80lbs

5 triples at 40 pounds

1 rep each leg at 55lbs, knees a bit creaky so I let it go at that

4 pieces of 1/4" HRS at the following lengths
6.5" (PR)
5.75" (PR)
7.25" (harder than either PR attmept because my forearms were exhausted)

Bottoms up press:
5 singles with a 40lbs kettlebell

Also did some rows and ring push-ups for shoulder health

Monday, September 15, 2008


Medium day-
1x (1,2,3) 4x (1,2) at 32kg

1x (1,2,3) 4x (1,2) on my new Lifeline Power Up Chin-up Handles

7x10 at 32kg

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Variety day-
3 singles at 65lbs on the fat bar

275x5, 245x5

2 hand plate pinch DL:
2x5 at 70lbs

Plate curls:
15x5, 10x5

Plate seesaw: (courtesy of John Brookfield grip tips on IronMind)
2x5 at 10lbs

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Heavy day-
1x (1,2,3,4) 4x (1,2,3) at 32kg

1x (1,2,3,4) 4x (1,2,3)

Max rounds in 10 minutes of 10 swings each with 32kg, 16kg and 24kg
Got 7 rds plus 6 swings with 24kg

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bending PR and Fat Bar Photos

Here are the 7" pieces of 1/4" HRS that I bent the other evening. The 4th piece I didn't count because I had kinked it previously, so all I did was the sweep.

My new short fat bar. Works especially well for TGUs in my cramped workout space.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus push-ups

Variety day-
5 singles at 32kg

2x7" lengths of 1/4" HRS

5 singles at 24kg held in the rack position

Also did some pull-ups and general messing around. Anyone who saw the last 10 minutes of my workout would have concluded that I was one of those annoying 16 year old boys who just wander around the weightroom doing 10 reps of everything they see.


Medium day-
5x (1,2) at 32kg

5x (1,2)

5 sets, starting at the top of the minute
20-15-10-20-15 total 80 swings in 5 minutes with 32kg

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Variety day-
All on the new short fat bar

3x7" lengths of 1/4" HRS (PR)

270x5, 245x5


2 hand plate pinch DL:
3x5 at 70lbs

3x (1,2,3,4,5)


Light day-
32kg for 5 singles

3x3 at 32kg

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus 3 rds of 10 jumping jacks and push-ups

Heavy day-
5x (1,2,3) at 32kg

5x (1,2,3) at 16kg

20 on the minute for 3 minutes with 32kg

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus 3 rds of 10 each jumping jacks and push-ups

Variety day-
5 singles with the 2 pood

5 singles with 1 pood

One leg DL- 3 reps at 32kg
Maxercist row- 5 reps at 16kg
Squat flip clean- 10 reps at 16kg
Tactical lunge- 10 reps at 16kg
Hot potato Russian twist- 10 reps at 16kg
Figure eight to hold- 10 reps at 16kg
Crush curl- 3 reps at 16kg

Took the pace fairly easy and got through 3 rds in 15 minutes or so

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Medium day-
5x (1,2) at 32kg

5x (1,2) at 30lbs

15 on the minute for 7 minutes at 32kg, total 105

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Variety day-
16kgx1 (bottoms up), 60x1, 75x1, 75x1, 24kgx1

I started out messing around with dumbbells and the 32kg kettlebell, but I really prefer to do these with a barbell. The room I keep my weights in at home makes a 7 foot barbell impractical since it's a very small room, so I made a short fat bar out of a piece of 2"OD pipe and some extra collars. I am very happy with it. Maybe later I will post a picture.

265x5, 240x5

105x5, 95x5

2 hand plate pinch DL:
10x70, 7x70


Hip rehab/prehab drills

Friday, August 29, 2008


After missing my heavy day completely there was no way I was also skipping my light day. It was late at night though, and I had trouble focusing and getting in a groove. C&P went well, but I couldn't snatch to save my life, so I just skipped it and did swings instead.

5x1 at 32kg

5x1 at 16kg

One arm swing:
5 per arm on the minute for 6 minutes at 32kg

Monday, August 25, 2008


Variety day-
65x1/1, 85x1/1, 85x1/1, 75x1/1, 75x1/1

260x5, 235x5

100x5, 90x5


Usual SJ routine.

Medium day-
5x (1,2) at 32kg

5x (1,2)

15 on the minute for 9 minutes at 32gk. Total 135

Back stretch, decompression hang and hamstring stretch

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Variety day-
24kgx4/4, 16kgx4/4

255x5, 235x5

95x5, 85x5

Bottoms up C&P:
5x1 at 16kg

Friday, August 22, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Light day-
5x1 at 32kg

5x1 at 55lbs

(Adding these in just to see how it feels. I had been intending to use them in GTG format as suggested in ETK, but I never do it.)

3/3 on the minute for 7 minutes at 32kg, total 21/21

Decompression hang, hamstring stretch, back stretch all for 3-4 sets

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Heavy day-
1x (1,2,3) L/R, 1x (1,2,2) L/R, 3x (1,2,2) L, 3x (1,2,3) R all at 32kg

Kept not quite getting that 3rd rep with the left. The first time I just matched it with the right, but then I decided to go for it with my right and let the left catch up. I hope next week or the next to be up to the full 5x (1,2,3) on both arms.

1x (1,2,2), 4x (1,2,3) at 35lbs

3x (20,15,10) at 32kg
Started each set on the minute

Monday, August 18, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Variety day-
2x1 at 80lbs barbell, 3x1 at 75lbs barbell

250x5, 225x5

115x5, 105x5


Face pulls:

Colin- Check out the Iron Garm forums to find out more about the challenge. It is a 3 team event and is organized similar to the TSC in that multiple sites will be hosting. The events are one KB snatch and one KB C&J for 10 minutes each, back to back with no rest. Rules are same as SSST in that multiple hand switches and resting the bell on the platform are allowed. The elite men will use 32kg, intermediate will use the 24kg and beginners have the option of using 16kg. The teams are OTW, Hardstyle, and a group calling themselves the Bogatirs who use a mix of the two styles. Needless to say, I will be competing for Team Hardstyle if I go.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

C&P Test

Felt unusually strong and full of energy today after a full 4 days off, so I decided to test C&P with the 32kg. I was able to get 4 comfortably hard reps on my left and 5 on my right. I may have been good for another rep per arm, but I didn't feel like pushing it. On Wednesday I will work ladders with the 32kg and start to build up to the 5x (1,2,3,4,5) I am confident that this will keep me busy for some time. This is a very welcome development since I would rather take the heavier bell on the road with me when I begin my travel next month. With any luck I will be able to make a decent showing in the elite division of the intergalactic kettlebell challenge or whatever it is they're calling this thing in December. I haven't decided for sure whether I will be competing, but if I can fit it into my schedule it sounds as though it will be a lot of fun.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A few days off

I will be taking the next few days off and resuming Monday or Wednesday. This will allow a bit of time to recuperate from several hard sessions lately, and I have also been thinking of changing the days of the week that my Heavy, Light and Medium workouts fall on. I have been thinking of rearranging so that Wednesday is Heavy, Thursday is Light and Sunday is Medium, with Saturday and Monday as my variety days. The most important feature of this schedule is that it would allow deadlifts once a week during my upcoming travel season. Colin, it is funny that you bring up the niggles, because I have felt pretty beat up lately and yesterday my old hip injury flared up to the worst it's been in over a year. Oh well, I will be all set in a week I suspect. Until then I will walk, play with grippers and such, do my rehab religiously and throw in some light calisthenics to ward off the feelings of insanity that I get when I'm not training.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Usual SJ routine but only 5 reps each movement

Variety day-
315x5, 330x4, 345x3, 360x2, 375x1

75-65-75-65-75 (barbell)

Back extension:

Face pulls:

Swings with towel folded over handle:
2x10, 1x8 L/R with 24kg

TGU sit-ups:
3x5 with 24kg

Hip rehab/prehab and stretching

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Heavy day-
1x(1,2,3,4,5) 4x (1,2,3,4) at 24kg

Ring pull-ups:
1x (1,2,3,4,5) 4x (1,2,3,4) at 20lbs

7 sets as follows, starting each set on the minute

The set of 31 was because I promised myself a max set of 30+ on the last set, but when I got there I just coudn't even hang on to the bell. I did one extra rep and threw in the towel.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Variety day-
315x5, 325x4, 340x3, 355x2, 370x1

5x1 at 65lbs barbell

Back extension:

Face pull:

2 hand plate pinch DL:
70lbs for 5x5

Band assisted Janda:
3x5, 2x3

One leg two kettlebell DL:
5x1 at 2x24kg

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Medium day-
5x (1,2,3,4) at 24kg

5x (1,2,3,4) at 20lbs, alternated with C&P

2 handed swings:
Started a new set every minute for 6 minutes. Sets were as follows:
30-20-10-25-20-15 all at 24kg

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Variety day-
5x1 at 32kg

One arm swings with towel over handle:
2x6, 1x5 L/R at 24kg

5x305, 4x320, 3x335, 2x350, 1x365

One leg two dumbbell DL:
5x1 at 55lbs dumbbells

Face pulls:

5x10, variety of hand positions

Back extension:

Russian twist:
1x5, 1x10 at 35lbs 3x5 at 55lbs

Monday, August 4, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Light day-
5x (1,2,3) at 24kg -skipped the cleans and pressed from the shoulder on the multiple rep sets

5x (1,2,3) at 20lbs, alternated with presses

7 sets of 5/5 on the minute at 24kg

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Heavy day-
5x (1,2,3,4,5) at 24kg

Ring pull-ups:
2x (1,2,3,4,5) at 20lbs
3x (1,2,3,4,5) unweighted
alternated with C&P

It didn't take long into this workout to realize I was in pretty deep. I should've taken a slower progression to get to this point, as my left shoulder was approaching complete failure by the last ladder. Next Saturday I will drop the volume back and only do one ladder up to 5 rungs and the rest up to 4 with the idea of building back to the full 5 rung ladders over several weeks.

8 rds of 10 swings each with 16kg, 24kg and 32kg in 11 minutes. Total 80 swings with each bell.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Variety day-
300x5, 315x4, 330x3, 345x2, 360x1

One leg glute bridge:
30 seconds each side

One leg two dumbbell DL:
5x1 at 55lbs dumbbells

5x1 at 65lbs barbell

Face pulls and push-ups 3x10 each

Will do abs and hands this evening at home. The gym here at work doesn't have the equipment I want, and plus I ran out of time.


2 hand plate pinch DL:
3x5 at 70lbs

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Medium day-
I felt so good I went for the C&P ladders

5x (1,2,3) at 24kg

5x (1,2,3) at 20lbs, alternated with the C&P

Swings: 45 second countdown timer
3 rds of
(10, 15, 20) with the 24kg, total 135 reps in 6:45

Monday, July 28, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus scapula push-ups, dips, row and retraction on pull-up bar

5 minutes with the 16kg

5 minutes at 32kg, 7 sets of 10

Sunday, July 27, 2008

It's my fault...

Seem to have tweaked my right shoulder (the "good" one! ha!) on my variety day. Yesterday's plan of 5x (1,2,3,4,5) ladders thus had to be postponed. I will see how it feels tomorrow and do TGU's and swings instead of pressing and snatching. I was going to take it easy next week anyway, but I may be taking a couple easy weeks until I get back on track. Luckily this doesn't feel like much. My best guess is that I overworked the muscle a bit with all the overload presses.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Variety day-
Used the Random Practice format again. The drills I used were as follows.

-Push press 32kg 3x3
-One arm swing 32kg 3x6
-Pistol 3x2
-Pull-up 3x10
-TGU 24kg 5x1
-DL 290x5, 255x5
-Sledge lever 3x4
-Saxon Side bend 3x3 with a 30 pound dumbbell
-COC Trainer 2x5, #1x3

Good session. I am looking forward to my 5x (1,2,3,4,5) ladders on Saturday.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Mobility: Usual SJ routine but only 5 reps because I was in a hurry to get going with my workout.
:30 on :30 0ff
Glute bridge
Side plank (left)
Side plank (right)

Two times through each.

Medium day-

3x (1,2,3) at 24kg

3x (1,2,3) at 20 pounds, alternated with C&P

Skipped the swings due to running out of time. My brother was in town, and we also had plans with Annie's family for our brother in law's birthday.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus push-ups

Foam roller drills
Plank and side plank- :30 on :30 off running through all 3 positions twice
Glute bridge :30

Variety day-
Did all this random practice style as described in Beyond Bodybuilding. Do a set of one drill, take a short rest and move on to a different drill. I tried to keep mixing it up between upper and lower body, push and pull, easy and hard. This was a great way to get all the work done quickly and still maintain a high quality on the individual sets.

-Push press 32kg 3x4
-One arm swing 32kg 3x5
-Pistol 5x1
-Pull-up 5x5
-TGU 24kg 5x1
-DL 285x5, 255x5
-Wrist roller 2x2 trips
-Band assisted Janda 3x5
-2 hand plate pinch DL 65 3x5

Used a 1:30 countdown timer throughout and got everything done in less than 48 minutes.


Usual SJ drills plus stability drills for hips and midsection on foam roller

Light day-

Warm up with face the wall squats, halos, windmills and pumps

5x (1,2) at 24kg

5x (1,2) at 20 pounds, alternated with C&P

5x10 burpees with 1 minute rest between sets

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I was sanding the handle of one of my 24kg bells tonight and decided to test it out. I did a few reps with my right and was very pleased with how much better it felt. I then knocked out a very easy set of 14 on my right. Then I decided to get serious. I took off my wedding band and rocked out a set of 20 per arm. This was hard, but not a max effort. Tomorrow I will probably sub burpees or something for my snatch workout since I went harder than I should have on my rest day today.


SJ routine as per the usual, plus some other drills from the Amosov section

Variety day-
Total work was spread out throughout the day in several mini workouts

3 rds of 10 jumping jacks and 10 push-ups
1 set of 10 pull-ups

Loaded clean:
2x5 at 32kg

Bent press:
2x1 at 32kg

One arm swing:
3x5 at 32kg

Push press:
3x5 at 32kg

-2 hr break-

1 set of 10 pull-ups
2 rds of 10 jumping jacks and 10 push-ups
Joint mobility, face the wall squats and hip bridges

280x5, 250x5

-2 hr break-

3 rds of 10 jumping jacks and 10 push-ups
1 set of 10 pull-ups

5x1 at 24kg

Trainer- 3x3
#1- 2x3

-1 hr break-

3x10 OHS with just the bar
1 set of 10 pull-ups

Sledge levering:

Saxon side bend:
3x3 with a 20lbs dumbbell

Friday, July 18, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Hard day-
Warm up with face the wall squats, halos and windmills

5x (1,2,3,4) at 24kg

5x (1,2,3,4) at 20lbs, alternated w/ C&P

As many rds as possible in 6 minutes of
32kg swing, 10 reps
10 sledge strikes

Got 6 rds plus 10 swings.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus push-ups on knuckles

Medium day-

Warm up with halos, face the wall squats, windmills and pumps

5x (1,2) at 24kg

5x (1,2) at 20lbs, alternating with C&P ladders

KBA July Challenge:
24kg swing, 10 reps
1 burpee
24kg swing, 10 reps
2 burpees
24kg swing, 10 reps
9 burpees
24kg swing, 10 reps
10 burpees


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus 3 rds of 10 push-ups and 10 jumping jacks

Variety day-

Loaded clean:
5x5 at 32kg

Bent press:
5x1 at 32kg, done as alternating sets with the cleans

5x275, 5x245

5x1 at 24kg

2 hand pinch grip DL:
3x5 at 60lbs

Wrist roller:
several sets up and down with a 5lbs plate


Monday, July 14, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus 4 sets of 10 push-ups

Light day-

Warm up with face the wall squats, halos, pumps and 16kg bent press

5 singles L/R with the 24kg

5 singles at 20 pounds alternated with the presses


Colin raised the very valid point that I forgot to log my snatches.

9 minutes at 50% effort.
Got about 20 reps/ hand with the 24kg and an equal volume with the 16kg. Was mainly working on decelerating with the hips on the downswing. Still trying to get this down.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Usual SJ routine

Heavy day-

Warm up with face the wall squats, windmills and halos

32kg 1 L/R
24kg 5x (1,2,3) L/R

5x (1,2,3) corresponding with C&P (20 lbs DB held between knees)

15 minute break, then-

As many rds in 9 minutes of:
24kg swing 5/5
Sledge strike, 10 reps

11 rds

Souped up toe touch, 2 sets


Usual SJ routine

Variety day-

PTP deads:
305x5, 275x5

5 singles L/R with 24kg KB

Sledge levering:
3x4 alternating hand placement

Saxon side bend:
3x3 with a 20 pound dumbbell

COC Trainer:
1,2,3 L/R

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Screw it. I am going on the ROP.

What's the best gun to have in a shootout? The one you have with you. Although I don't believe the ROP is the absolute best program for my specific goals, I really need a program that is simple and portable right now. I missed yesterday due to work related travel, and now I am limited to a short workout tonight, and Saturday doesn't look good either. I will do the three day ROP program as written with the goal of doing the 5x (1,2,3,4,5) ladders with my 32kg and I will use the variety days for PTP deads, grip and ab work, and whatever else I feel like doing/ have the equipment to do. Wish me luck! I will likely do my first variety day this evening and take it from there. I will hope to go on a better strength program over the winter months.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus 35# windmills, face the wall squats and halos.

Box squat: 1 minute countdown timer
8x2 at 135

Barbell press: 3 minute countdown timer
95x5, 95x5, 105x5, 115x3, 125x2

Back extension: 3 minute countdown timer

Jandas: 3 minute countdown timer

Skipped the sledge levering for lack of a sledgehammer. I will do it tomorrow.

Monday, July 7, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus push-ups according to this program.

Power clean: 3 minute countdown timer
3x3 at 187

Fighter pull-ups: 5 minute countdown timer

One arm snatch + TGU: 10 minutes total time
7 reps each arm with 45 pound barbell (also did windmill on first 4 reps)

Feels good to be back in the weight room. I could tell I was a bit rusty today, but I will get back into form over the course of the week.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

ROP inspired programming

I have been struggling lately to come up with programming that adresses my main goals, doesn't try to do too much at once, and lets me train healthy. I have taken the past week off to allow some recovery and think about my training. The two main goals right now are to get as strong as possible while maintaining overall health and rehabbing the shoulders. With that in mind, here is my new programming template to begin July 7. I will try to stick with it for at least 3 weeks before tweaking it, but no promises. The format will be 3 weeks on 1 week off or light. On most of the exercises I will try to keep the weight moving up for 3 weeks, then start over slightly heavier than last time. Classic 3 steps forward 2 steps back cycle. On other exercises, like box squat, I will keep the weigh constant throughout each cycle.

Monday: Medium day
-Power clean 3x3 sets across.
-Fighter pull-ups
-TGU 10 minutes

Tuesday: Variety day
-Box squat 8x2-12x2. Move up from 8x2 to 12x2 at one weight, add 10 pounds and start over.
-KB press. High volume ladders or series.
-Jandas 3 sets
-Back extensions 3 sets
-Sledge levering

Wednesday: Light day
-Power clean 10x2
-Fighter pull-ups
-TGU 5 minutes

Thursday: Variety day
-DL 5x3 ramp up to heavy triple
-OHS 5x5 across
-KB press. High volume ladders or series.
-Obliques emphasis drill (full contact twist?)
-Plate pinch holds 3x30 seconds

Saturday: Heavy day
-Power clean 5x2 ramp up to heavy double
-Fighter pull-ups
-TGU 15 minutes

-Odd object conditioning as second workout

Friday, June 27, 2008


Box squat: 1 minute countdown timer
6x2 at 135

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

2 hand plate pinch DL: 4 minute countdown timer
70x5, 60x5

Side press: 4 minute countdown timer
3x5 at 33

Thursday, June 26, 2008


DL: 4 minute countdown timer
3x3 at 313

OHS: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 at 95

1x5, 1x4, 1x3

Finished off with face pulls and general tomfoolery.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Power clean: 1 minute countdown timer
10x2 at 187

OHS: 2:30 countdown timer
3x5 at 89

One arm snatch + reverse TGU + windmill combo: 4:30 total time
3 reps L/R

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I'm only just now realizing that you can't very well see the other stuff in the picture. Workout contains: Keg, Kettlebell, Large Tire, Big Rock, Sledgehammer.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Power clean: 1 minute countdown timer
10x2 all at 177

One arm snatch + reverse TGU + windmill combo:
1x 69 L/R (short barbell with 10kg composite plates)
Max reps in 10 minutes-
7 L/R with the 45 pound barbell


Push-ups and face pulls to finish


355x1, 300x5

5 rds for time of:
-Keg shoulder and carry, 1 trip (40 or so meters)
-Rock shouldering 2L/2R
-10 sledge strikes
-32kg KB swing, 5 reps



Tried LCCJ, but I don't think my shoulder is ready for it yet. Sorry Colin.

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

5 rds for time of:
-10 sledge strikes
-24kg KB swing, 10 reps
-10 push-ups


Friday, June 20, 2008


I will post about the amazing gym I've been working out in later. For now, here is what I did today and then I'm headed to bed.

Power clean: 1 minute countdown timer
10x2 at 190


OHS: 2 minute countdown timer
3x5 at 85

One arm snatch reverse TGU mill: 7:30 total time
45 pound bar for 5 singles each side

Push-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Power clean: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 at 205


General screwing around:
-Front squat
-DB row
-Rehab stuff

Push-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


DL: 4 minute countdown timer
333x1, 293x5, 263x5

Side press:
25x5, 20x5

Also did a few T push-ups, sit-ups and shoulder rehab stuff.

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

These are still not improving. I am going to start over with 12-10-8-6-4, go through the 5 day progression and then repeat with a 3:30 countdown. When I am down to a 3 minute countdown I will move up to starting the first set at 14 reps and start over at 4 minutes, moving down and so forth. When the reps get higher I may use a longer than 4 minute break to start with.

4o pounds barbell for 5 singles each side

2 hand plate pinch DL:
70x5, 70x5

Farmer carries and waiter walks:
Used 80 pound dumbbells for the carries and a 50 for the walks, alternated between the two for ten minutes, about 5 trips with each style.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I haven't had access to weights the past several days, so activity has been limited to SJ and push-ups. Today I finally got back in, albeit with limited time.

3x5 all at 75

Power clean: 1 minute countdown timer
10x2 all at 185

1x3 L/R at 35 pounds barbell
1x3 at L/R 55 pounds barbell

Also got in a set of 10 easy pull-ups

Push-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Power clean: 1 minute countdown timer
10x2 all at 175

Overhead squat: 2 minute countdown timer
3x5 all at 65

Sledge levering: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 L/R and alternating hand position

Knees to elbows: 2 minute countdown timer

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown
14-12-8 (failed)

I suspected yesterday that the fighter pull-ups were getting to be too much. I will start doing them only every other day from now on and see if I can handle that. I will probably just do a single set of 10 or so on the day in between.


DL: 4 minute countdown timer
325x1, 285x5, 255x5

Side press:
23x5, 18x5

2 hand plate pinch DL: 2 minute countdown timer
62.5x5, 55x5

Suitcase DL: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 all at 115

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

Push-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

Monday, June 9, 2008


Anja is 7 months today! In other news, I skipped yesterday's workout. I had a long day and tried to squeeze it in at the end, and I just couldn't get into it. Today went well though.

DL: 4 minute countdown timer
345x1, 280x5, 250x5

Side press: no timer
18x5, 13x5 L/R

2 hand plate pinch DL: 2 minute countdown timer
60x5, 55x5

Suitcase DL: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 L/R all at 115

Also have done some SJ and rehab stuff. Will add some fighter pull-ups in a bit.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


DL: 4 minute countdown timer
325x1, 275x5, 245x5
I have been taking one slightly heavy single as part of my warmup. Thought it was worth noting.

Side press:
15.5x5, 13x5 L/R

2 hand pinch grip DL:
57.5x5, 52.5x5

Suitcase DL:
3x3 -105 across

Fighter pull-ups:

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Warmed up with abbreviated joint mobility routine. Will catch up on the rest later.

DL: 3 minute countdown timer


2 hand plate pinch DL: 2 minute countdown timer


Decided to try the press and just see if it makes me sore. I may rotate press and floor press just to keep the occasional heavier lifting in there.

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

:30 on :30 off for 4 rounds

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Warmed up with 16 kg halos and face the wall squats.

Power clean: 2 minute countdown timer
5x3 at 145 for all. Decided to move the weight up because 145 was already on the bar from yesterday's floor presses. Yes, I really am that lazy.

OHS: 2 minute countdown timer
3x5 at 50 for all.

Suitcase DL: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 at 100 for all

2 hand sledge levering: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 each side and switching grips

Fighter pull-ups: 4 minute countdown timer

Push-ups and swings:
Was supposed to do :30 swings :30 push-ups :30 rest for 3 rounds, but I messed it up.
Did swings, push-ups, swings, rest, push-ups, swings, rest, push-ups.

Swings: 24, 24, 23

Push-ups: 18, 17, 15

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Some SJ drills this morning. Warmed up with face the wall sqhats and 16kg halos and then hit the barbell.

DL: 4 minute countdown timer

Floor press: 4 minute countdown timer

Two hand plate pinch DL: 2 minute countdown timer

Jandas: 1 mintue countdown timer

Don't know if I'll get anything else in today. We are having meetings all day at work, so no lunch workouts this week except maybe Friday.

Fighter pull-ups 15RM plan: 4 minute countdown timer

:30 on :30 off for 3 rounds
16-15-14 very slow tempo so as to keep moving the entire :30. I will work up to 5 rounds and then start concentrating on increasing the number of reps.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


All the usual SJ drills throughout the day.

DL: 4 minute countdown timer

Floor press: 3 minute countdown timer

Two hand plate pinch DL: 3 minute countdown timer

Jandas: 1 minute countdown timer

Was planning to make up for the conditioning session I missed yesterday, but instead I did loads and loads of yard work. I mowed, cleared some brush, pulled weeds, put down mulch, and a bunch of other stuff for a total of several hours. It was good GPP. I had a really active weekend. Probably walked close to 8 or 9 miles yesterday and about another mile today in addition to all the physical work.

Saturday, May 31, 2008


All the usual SJ drills plus 3 nice walks throughout the day so far.

Power clean: 2 minute countdown timer
5x3 140 across. I am going to keep the weight on these constant for about 5-6 sessions

OHS: 2 minute countdown timer
3x5 45 across. Decided to try a light weight. I may add 5 pounds next time if this doesn't hurt me tomorrow. I need to get the shoulders stable anyway, and this is one good drill to do it.

Suitcase DL: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 L/R 95 across.

2 hand sledge levers: 2 minute countdown timer
3x3 alternating L/R I marked may grip with athletic tape so I can keep track of progress

Later I will do some odd object type conditioning out in the back yard, but for now I am showering up so I can take the missus on a dinner date.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Modified DOE manmaker:
15 minutes alternating 2.5 pound shoulder rehab moves with 10x24kg swings

Super Joints throughout the morning at my desk


Floor press:

Pinch grip:
44 pound high pulls


High pulls and diamond push-ups to finish up.

New Programming

I have been bored and uninspired by my programming, so I decided to scrap it. At first I thought I should at least stick it out for the 4 weeks, but then I thought this is really my only hobby, and if it's not fun I'm not doing it. So there. The new plan will look like this:

Day 1:
-Deadlift 2x5
-Side press 2x5
-Pinch grip DL 2x5
-Jandas 5 sets

Day 2:
-Power clean 5x3
-Overhead squat 3x5
-Suitcase DL 3x3 L/R
-Sledge levering

Day 3:
-Deadlift 2x5
-Side press 2x5
-Pinch grip DL 2x5
-Jandas 5 sets

Day 4:

Until I add overhead work back in I will be subbing floor press for side press and front squats for OHS.

In addition I will be doing Super Joints Drills and modified DOE manmakers every weekday that I train. On Saturdays if it is a training day I will do a conditioning workout with odd objects such as sandbags, sledge strikes, keg and rock lifting, and so forth.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Morning recharge:
-3 way neck
-Shoulder circles
-16kg halos
-Face the wall squats
-15/45 pull-ups/push-ups split up as 12/36 and 3/9
-Modified DOE manmaker, 15 minutes alternating 10x24kg swings and shoulder rehab exercises with 2.5 pound plates

Decided that from now on I am going to keep the SJ to a minimum in the morning and string the rest of the drills through the day. I just do them at my desk and finish up the spine stuff as part of my warm-up for my noon workout. I am still doing all the drills, and the things I am doing for my shoulders have been amazing. I will try some overhead work in about mid June. More to follow. I am off to the gym.

Not a great day of training. Pistols weren't going well, so I gave up after a couple of warm up reps and one rep at 55 pounds. I skipped weighted pull-ups because I think they made my shoulder sore last time.

I ended up doing the following little circuit 5 times through:
-Face pull, 5 reps
-10 push-ups
-109 pound suitcase DL 1 rep L/R

Then I did Janda sit-ups:

And stretching:
-Souped up toe touch
-Hamstring stretch
-Decompression hang

I also tried a set of 5 hang power cleans at 109 and a 333 pound deadlift. If they don't make my shoulder sore later I will start including power cleans in place of the weighted pull-ups.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Morning recharge:
SJ part 1 plus face the wall squats and 1 minute third world squat, minus cossack and squats

Density pull-ups: 2 minute countdown timer
10 sets of 6 reps

Face pulls:

Feet elevated push-ups:

Run: 1 minute countdown timer
10x100m on the track

-Souped up toe touch
-Back stretch
-Hamstring stretch
-Decompression hang

Monday, May 26, 2008


Morning recharge:
SJ part 1 minus cossack and sub face the wall squats for squats.

Modified DOE manmaker:
15 minutes of alternating 3 reps 2x24kg floor press, 10x24kg swing

Floor press:

Weighted pull-ups:

One hand plate pinch DL:

Behind the back barbell wrist flexion:

Janda sit-ups:

Push-ups w/ one hand elevated on KB:
3x10 L/R

KB high pull:

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Morning recharge:
Super Joints part 1 minus the Cossack and subbing face the wall squats for regular squats
Also did 5 pull-ups and 15 push-ups

Modified DOE Manmaker:
15 minutes alternating 1 rep of double 24kg floor press with 10 reps 24kg swings

Had intended to do more, but Annie was playing the music for a friend's wedding and it took more or less the whole day to do that. On the bright side we got a nice walk in.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Back squat: 3 minute countdown timer

Weighted pull-ups: 2 minute countdown timer

One hand plate pinch DL:

Face pull:

Push-ups: 5 minute countdown timer for superset of push-ups and face pulls

I PROMISE that tomorrow I will do mobility when I wake up. I have been lazy these past two days because of being tired, but I need to get back with it.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Weighted pistol:
5x1 L/R

Weighted pull-up:

Feet elevated push-ups:

Face pulls:

One hand plate pinch DL:

Janda sit-ups:

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Morning recharge:
All of the drills from part 1 of Super joints except squats and knee circles. Subbed face the wall squats for these and also added some push-ups and pull-ups at the end. Just a set of 5 pull-ups and 15 push-ups

Density pull-ups: 2 minute countdown timer

Sprints: 1 minute countdown timer

-Souped up toe touch
-Hamstring stretch
-Decompression hang

Monday, May 19, 2008


Floor press: 3 minute countdown timer

Weighted pull-ups: 2 minute countdown timer

Janda sit-ups: 1 minute countdown timer
5x1 hands in the reaching forward position on the way up, and in the boxing position on the negative

Plate pinch DL: 2 minute countdown timer
5-5 L/R

Behind the back barbell wrist flexion: 2 minute countdown timer

Med ball push-ups: 1 minute countdown timer
3x10 L/R

Face pull: 1 minute countdown timer

Decided to strictly monitor rest intervals as a way to get in and out of the weight room quickly. The total time for this workout was about 50 minutes once you figure in some transition time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Strength Programming

Now that the PFT is over it is time to focus on strength. I still have to work around the shoulder, so with that in mind here is my plan.

-Off except for mobility drills.

-Floor press 5x5. Pick a weight and go for sets across. Move up when I get all 25 reps.
-Weighted pull-ups 3x3. Sets across.
-One hand plate pinch DL 2x5.
-Barbell behind the back finger roll-ups 3x5
-Janda sit-ups 5x1
-Med ball push-ups 3x10 L/R
-Face pulls 5x5

-Density bwt. pull-ups
-10x100m sprints

-Weighted pistol 5x1
-Weighted pull-up 5-3-2
-Feet elevated push-ups 3x25
-Face pulls 3x10
-One hand plate pinch DL 2x5
-Janda sit-ups 5x1

-Off except for mobility drills

-Back Squat 5x5. Pick a weight and go for sets across. Move up when I get all 25 reps.
-Weighted pull-ups 5x1, working up to a heavy single
-Janda sit-ups 5x1
-Push-ups 3x20-50
-Face pulls 3x5

-Hand elevated one arm push-ups 5x1
-Two hand plate pinch DL 3x5
-Oven mitt grip towel swings, 3x10-15 L/R
-Two hand swings at the top of each minute, 10-20 minutes
-Anything else nasty I can think of. Tire dragging, sledge work, etc.

The push-ups and face pulls are included to rehab my shoulders. I still didn't make it in to the PT, but when I get more rehab exercises to do those will be included too.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

PFT results

Push-ups (no time limit): 73
One minute sit-ups: 41
Vertical jump: 24" (maxed out the testing apparatus)
300m run: 55 seconds
1.5 mile run: 9:30

On the 1.5 mile run I was by far the fastest candidate, and on everything else it's hard to say because I couldn't see the other candidates as they were completing the tests. I have to think my push-ups were at or near the top of the group. Sit-ups I'm not sure, but these tend to slow a lot of people down. I think about 2 or 3 other candidates maxed out the vertical jump. I have to admit that on the 300m run I didn't try my hardest. We didn't have much time for a warm-up, and I didn't want to give an all out sprint and hurt myself.

Friday, May 16, 2008

PFT tomorrow

No training yesterday or today. Big day tomorrow. I am going to go have a snack and turn in early. Wish me luck, I will post results as soon as I am able tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weights for sale

The first photo, as you can see, is of the bench.
This is the torn padding right at the bottom of the bench (furthest from where your head goes).

This is the wear and tear on the head rest.

Here is the bench with the olympic bar and plates (dog not included).

Here is a detail shot of the plates loaded on the bar and held on with the collars.

Curl bar and dumbbells loaded with 10 pound plates. The dumbbell handles, like the plates, are the Gold's Gym brand.

The rest of the plates are Fitness Gear. I got them at Dick's about a year ago.


Morning Recharge:

Part 1 of Super Joints, all exercises for 10 reps

GTG with 8 pull-ups and 24 push-ups all day

Run 1 mile easy:


I started the watch and then left it at the start/finish line so I wouldn't be tempted to look at it and go faster.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


No working out today, but a post is necessary anyway because I did my first full recharge routine. I used all of the drills in the first section of Super Joints (Joint Mobility, not Strength Flexibility).

Many of the drills challenged me in what felt like a good way. My spine flexibility is not up to par, and my neck, wrists and ankles could also be better.

I also took a short walk. Today was just what I needed leading up to my PFT on Saturday.

Monday, May 12, 2008


GTG with 24 push-ups and 8 pull-ups

11 on the minute for 10 minutes, total 110 reps

3x600m on the track

1. 2:14
2. 2:08
3. 2:11

Satisfactory session. I was having a little trouble pacing the 600s, but they were close enough. I am optimistic that I can at least run a 9:45 on Saturday, and maybe faster if it's a fast field. I went to the doctor and received a prescription for something to take the swelling down in my shoulder. He also referred me to physical therapy and said if the medicine and therapy aren't effective we can try a cortisone shot.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Happy Mother's Day Annie! Thank you for giving me Anja!

Nothing to speak of yesterday. Lots of sets of GTG with 8 pull-ups and 24 push-ups. I spent the majority of the day baking for today's Mother's Day fesitivities.

Today was better, but still an abbreviated session.

Weighted pull-ups:

Floor press:
5-5-5 L/R

Pinch grip DL:

Janda sit-ups:

Lots of 16kg juggling type stuff in between all sets.

Tomorrow morning is my doctor visit. I will be interested to see what he says in terms of what I can safely do on the shoulder and how long it will take to get back into it.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


GTG with 21 push-ups and 7 pull-ups all day.

10 reps at the top of each minute for 10 minutes. Total 100 reps.

On the track, starting each effort at the top of a 2:30 countdown timer.

Times were again in the 33-35 second range. A steady rain was falling, which made this a bit harder and more miserable than usual.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Weighted pull-ups:

Used a 24kg KB on my new IronMind dip belt that arrived today. It was very convenient because I had myself scheduled for the pull-ups, and I also burned a vacation day today, so I was at home and able to use the new gear right away.

16kg Kettlebell flip swings:

These were done after every set of pull-ups.

Floor press:
3-3-3 L/R

Used the 32kg KB for all. I have been feeling the need to do some strengthening exercises to assist my push-ups. If these don't cause any soreness I will keep doing them and add more volume.

Towel grip swings:
5-5-5-5 L/R

Alternated sets with the floor presses. Used a 24kg KB and it was pretty tough. I fold a hand towel in thirds lengthwise, then double it over and lay it on the KB handle. It challenges both crushing and supporting grip. Great bang for the buck exercise.

Plate pinch DL:

Two handed swings:
15 with the 24kg KB

Great workout. I've also been looking through my two new books, Bullet Proof Abs and Super Joints, and messing with some of the drills. I will probably put together a morning recharge with a few of the drills in Super Joints. It's too early to say I've seen any serious results, but some of the shoulder drills have already made my shoulders feel more relaxed than they've felt in days. Later tonight I will run through some ab stuff like my Jandas and bridging, and will mess with more of the drills from the books.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


On a 1 minute countdown timer, alternating rds of:
-32kg swing, 15 reps
-5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats

For 12 minutes. The calisthenics took almost the whole minute, while I had about 30 seconds rest after each set of swings. I immediately laced up my running shoes and went out to the track.

1.5 mile run


Not bad. That's a 7:06 mile. The circuit beforehand was a smoker, so that obviously impacted my speed. This would be fast enough to beat at least 90% of the candidates at the PFTs I have previously participated in.

8 sets of 10 sit-ups with 1 minute rest between efforts

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Still giving my legs a rest from the hard core running, I put together a little circuit today.

3 rds of:
-32kg KB swing, 20 reps
-20 push-ups
-20 squats
-24" box jump, 20 reps


Tomorrow is off and Tuesday I start back training hard for the PFT. Hard to believe, but I only have about another week of hard training before I take a short taper and then test myself.

Friday, May 2, 2008


3 rds of
20 push-ups
7 pull-ups
15 GHD sit-ups

Run 1 mile on the track:

This could probably have been faster but for the heavy rain and wind.

More calisthenics and stretching when I got inside, 2 more sets of 7 pull-ups and 15 diamond push-ups

Thursday, May 1, 2008

New Gear, Resources

Well, I finally did it. I got on line and ordered a nice IronMind dipping belt and another pair of Pavel's books. I selected Super Joints and Bullet Proof Abs. I should have all of it by the end of next week. I will be sure to report back on each product.

In other news, I have an appointment with a specialist to look at my shoulder next Wednesday. With luck they will be able to refer me to therapy, surgery or other methods to get this shoulder back on track (after the PFT of course) so I can lift heavy on it. Some searching on the forums makes it sound like occasionally a surgical procedure is done to pare down some of the bone that is causing the problem. At this point I'm up for whatever.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


On the track:
3x600m startin a new effort at the top of 5 minutes. Each effort was about 2:05

I am going to back off on the next 3 day minicycle. I will run a 1 mile "time trial" on Friday, GTG and some grip work on Saturday, and perhaps do some light sprinting with full recovery on Sunday. I am thinking 3x400m with about 4 minutes between efforts.

GTG all day with 6 pull-ups and 29 push-ups

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Weighted pull-ups:
5x3 all with 50 pounds

Janda sit-ups:

3x3 all with 5 pounds (no laughing)

3 singles per leg

I also tested my vertical jump just to see where I am. I easily maxed out the Vertec (24") on my first try, so I'm all set there.

GTG with sets of 19 push-ups

Monday, April 28, 2008


Sit-ups and swings:
15 sit-ups at the top of each minute for 4 minutes
1 minute rest
20 swings (24kg) at the top of each minute for 4 minutes

3.34 mile run in 26:39

This was 1:10 slower than last time, but I am not worried about it because I caught all three of the lights that can really slow me down on this route during the out portion. The return trip I didn't catch the lights and was almost a full 2 minutes faster. This indicates that my pace was significantly faster than my watch showed.

All day I have been greasing the groove with 24 push-ups and 6 pull-ups.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Lots of calisthenics today. Have been greasing the groove with 28 push-ups and 6 pull-ups, and also did a version of 5 minute abs.

5 min abs
-Sit-ups (30)
-4 count flutter kick (26)
-V-up (16)
-Plank hold
-Sit-ups (15)

Track workout:
These were run starting each effort at the top of a 2:30 countdown timer. Times were 33-35 seconds.

After coming home I did more GTG and another 3 sets of 15 sit-ups.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Shoulder was a bit sore from yesterday. It was definitely my own fault. I read some articles on bending and got so carried away I decided to bend a little. Dumb idea. Anyway, no pressing today. I will probably wait a week before doing it again. Also, the dip belt I've been using for my weighted pull-ups got broken. I don't trust my pull-up bar at home with much weight, so instead of doing 7 heavy singles as I'd planned I just did some light triples. Tried DL again just for the hell of it, but that's a no go too.
Franklin, you asked which PFT I am training for. It is actually with one of the local police departments here in my hometown. The standards are pretty easy, but I want to do well on it because I'm pretty competitive by nature and because it certainly can't hurt my chances in the hiring process to smoke the standards.

Weighted pull-ups:
3x3 at 35

Two hand plate pinch DL:

CoC Trainer:

I also did a set of 10 swings with the 32kg after every set of the other exercises.

Edit: Take note of Annie's new workout blog linked to your right! She has again agreed to be my victim, and I will be prescribing workouts with a goal of increasing her work capacity to the point where she can perform CrossFit workouts as prescribed.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


After several minutes of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and general screwing around, I ran the 2.5 mile route that I last ran on 4/16/08. My time was 17:58, compared to 19:41 last time. Anything under 18:18 would have been a negative split, as I ran the first 1.25 miles in 9:09. Today's average was 7:12 per mile, compared to 7:54 on the 16th. Progress is good.

Also, tried overhead pressing. I pressed a pair of 15# dumbbells for a set of 10, and 10# for a set of 5. I will start doing DB presses in a PTP format from now on. I will not get heavy enough to interfere with my push-ups since I am starting so light, and of course I will back off if I get sore.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Face the wall squats, halos and dislocates

Squats/32kg swings


*was supposed to be 100, but shoulder started feeling a bit tender, so I pulled the plug

Monday, April 21, 2008


Weighted pull-ups:

21-15-9 rep rds of
24" box jump


Colin, that is a great point about the resume enhancing benefits of hosting a TSC. You have made me even more tempted to have a go at it. Training is going really well lately. Funny how having a limiting factor like my shoulder actually improves my training in some ways by forcing me to pare my workouts down to essentials. Definitely a lesson here that I need to apply to my training even when healthy. I am keeping that in mind as I think about my training plan for after the PFT.

Edit: If you want to see what I looked like as a 17 year old Cross Country runner, check out my wife's blog. It is newly linked off to your right. You will have to scroll down a post or two to find it.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


5.37k run

Same run as on 4/12/08, but much faster. Today's effort was about 1 minute faster per mile, and over 3 minutes faster over all.

KB and abdominal drill intervals:
10x30 second rds where every other round is an ab drill and every other round is a KB drill (16kg KB throughout)
-flutter kicks
-swings with release at top
-swings with release at top of every other rep
-flutter kicks
-figure 8 to hold
-tactical lunge

All day I greased the groove with 22 push-ups and 6 pull-ups.

Light stretching in evening.

Friday, April 18, 2008


10x100m on the track.
Starting each effort at the top of a 60 second countdown timer.

Impossible to time these accurately, so I just ran hard and didn't worry about it. Surprisingly good "cardio" workout. I may work some KB stuff this evening, but this has to have been a great workout to increase work capacity.

Something else interesting and non training-related is that we experienced a small but very noticeable earthquake this morning just after I woke up.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Weighted pull-ups:

Um, that's it actually. Pretty light today.

Edit: I couldn't let it stand at such a light workload. I tried some deadlifts again today when I did the pull-ups, and they still cause a little discomfort. Swings, however, leave me feeling fine, so today I moved up to the 24kg.

10 rds of
-Close the CoC Trainer, 3 reps L/R
-24kg swing, 10 reps

Didn't keep time, but worked up a pretty good sweat and felt good to swing something a little heavier than the 1 pood. Don't get me wrong, it's a cute little kettlebell, but I like my bigger ones better.