Monday, June 23, 2008


355x1, 300x5

5 rds for time of:
-Keg shoulder and carry, 1 trip (40 or so meters)
-Rock shouldering 2L/2R
-10 sledge strikes
-32kg KB swing, 5 reps



Colin said...


Wish I had room for a keg and a rock (or atlas stones!!). Is this you improvising the surroundings you find yourself in at present?

No worries on the LCCJ - I was also concerned about how my shoulder would react when Franklin threw down the gauntlet. Plus even though we do the same stuff I realise that we have different goals.

Colin said...

Oh...nice DL btw 355, thats more or less my PR.

Martin Schap said...

I am finally home. This past week found me at Indiana State University, where I had the opportunity to train in one of the most hardcore, no frills weight rooms I have ever been in. It was in the basement, and the entire thing was surrounded by chain link fence. It goes without saying that all of the weights were (literally) older than I am, but they were heavy, which is all that counts. I wish I coud describe it adequately and provide some images, but I didn't have a camera so I couldn't get any photos. I do have some photos of the aftermath of yesterday's session that I need to get Annie to put up for me.
The sad thing is that the school will have a new fitness center by 2009 or 2010. I need to find out if they will be selling the old gear.

Colin said...

Haha - sounds like my kinda place alright. I hope it came complete with some rough looking customers and a few old timers akin to Mickey from Rocky!!