Monday, August 25, 2008


Variety day-
65x1/1, 85x1/1, 85x1/1, 75x1/1, 75x1/1

260x5, 235x5

100x5, 90x5


Colin said...

Strong TGU btw!! Sometimes I don't register how good your lifts are because of the lbs/kgs conversion.

You use a barbell for that don't you? Working up to the over 100lbs I've read Pavel and Jeff Martone mention?

Franklin said...

For me its the fact that Martin does his TGUs with a barbell that really blows me away .. much freakn' harder than using a KB and I'm sure better for all around stability work. But as Pavel has been keen to say .. "a Kettlebell just feels right in hand".

Martin Schap said...

Thanks gents. Barbell TGUs are just a matter of necessity really. The heaviest KB I own is the 32kg and I like to play with loading as well. I guess I am working up to 100lbs, but hadn't really given it too much thought. I just like to do the lift.
Colin, I always have to break out the calculator on your lifts, so I know what you mean.