Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A few days off

I will be taking the next few days off and resuming Monday or Wednesday. This will allow a bit of time to recuperate from several hard sessions lately, and I have also been thinking of changing the days of the week that my Heavy, Light and Medium workouts fall on. I have been thinking of rearranging so that Wednesday is Heavy, Thursday is Light and Sunday is Medium, with Saturday and Monday as my variety days. The most important feature of this schedule is that it would allow deadlifts once a week during my upcoming travel season. Colin, it is funny that you bring up the niggles, because I have felt pretty beat up lately and yesterday my old hip injury flared up to the worst it's been in over a year. Oh well, I will be all set in a week I suspect. Until then I will walk, play with grippers and such, do my rehab religiously and throw in some light calisthenics to ward off the feelings of insanity that I get when I'm not training.

1 comment:

Franklin said...

Rest and get well .. you will come back stronger. Nice to hear you are doing pulls again.

I know taking off is hard on the psyche as most of us get a huge endorphin hit when we train hard and it is addicting. I find some BW stuff really fills the void without over doing it.