Thursday, April 24, 2008


After several minutes of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups and general screwing around, I ran the 2.5 mile route that I last ran on 4/16/08. My time was 17:58, compared to 19:41 last time. Anything under 18:18 would have been a negative split, as I ran the first 1.25 miles in 9:09. Today's average was 7:12 per mile, compared to 7:54 on the 16th. Progress is good.

Also, tried overhead pressing. I pressed a pair of 15# dumbbells for a set of 10, and 10# for a set of 5. I will start doing DB presses in a PTP format from now on. I will not get heavy enough to interfere with my push-ups since I am starting so light, and of course I will back off if I get sore.


Colin said...

Wow, shaved a LOT of time off that since you started. Specificity is good.

Franklin said...

Agreed, great improvement on the run.

Are you training for the SEALS PFT?

If so, that's are fantastic goal to shoot for and I'm sure you can do it!