Thursday, April 17, 2008


Weighted pull-ups:

Um, that's it actually. Pretty light today.

Edit: I couldn't let it stand at such a light workload. I tried some deadlifts again today when I did the pull-ups, and they still cause a little discomfort. Swings, however, leave me feeling fine, so today I moved up to the 24kg.

10 rds of
-Close the CoC Trainer, 3 reps L/R
-24kg swing, 10 reps

Didn't keep time, but worked up a pretty good sweat and felt good to swing something a little heavier than the 1 pood. Don't get me wrong, it's a cute little kettlebell, but I like my bigger ones better.


Franklin said...

Very impressive weighted pull-ups!

I have a few follow up questions.

How much rest do take between sets? How do attach the weights?
What is your most recent BW max rep set?

Martin Schap said...

Rest is not much on the doubles. Maybe a minute. They are not max efforts, and with only 2 reps I don't feel very fatigued. If I am doing sets of 5 I usually need at least 2-3 minutes before getting back on the bar.
I attach the weights with a dip belt. It is a padded leather belt with a chain and hook so that the plates swing between your legs.
Hm. BW max reps. Haven't really done that in quite a while. I can always get 15-20 though. Right now I am greasing the groove with sets of 5 so as to take it easy on the shoulder, but most of the time I use sets of 10-12 when I GTG, if that helps at all.

Franklin said...

Thanks Martin for answering all my questions, very helpful. I used to hate pull-ups and now they are one of my favorite to train.

I was thinking that with the huge base you already have, have you ever considered participating in a TSC? ... you would be very competitive.

Martin Schap said...

Franklin, I was actually going to give it a whirl this past time, but then the Wisconsin location did not host again this year. I would actually consider hosting one here in Indiana if I could get it past the college where I work. They've got a sweet set-up, and I could provide the kettlebells. It is probably a blessing that I have another year to train though, because my snatch form is still a work in progress. I need to figure out a time to spend an hour with an RKC and get the kinks ironed out, but first I need to get my shoulder healthy. One thing at a time I guess. Saw you were putting up some solid numbers by the way. Are you going to compete in the fall? How far are you from a location?