Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Usual SJ routine plus one time through the following bodyweight workout from IronMind.
Jumping Jacks x 20
BW Squats x 15
Push ups x 15
Burpees x 10
Walking Lunges x 20
Mountain Climbers x 50
Dive Bomber Push ups x 15
Jump Squats x 10
Alternating Leg V-ups x 20

It is actually recommended to go for max rds in 30 minutes, but my goal was to wake up and get moving rather than have a killer smoke session so I just trotted through it once.

Variety day-
5 singles, one at 70lbs barbell, the rest at 80lbs

5 triples at 40 pounds

1 rep each leg at 55lbs, knees a bit creaky so I let it go at that

4 pieces of 1/4" HRS at the following lengths
6.5" (PR)
5.75" (PR)
7.25" (harder than either PR attmept because my forearms were exhausted)

Bottoms up press:
5 singles with a 40lbs kettlebell

Also did some rows and ring push-ups for shoulder health

1 comment:

Colin said...

Might use that BW circuit sometime. A lot of good work today. Congrats on the bending PRs.