Sunday, January 6, 2008


5 minutes with the 24kg KB


(Approximately 2 hour break, though I did do some heavy labor during this time. I had to go up to my mom's river place and move all the boats because the river is already pretty high and it's going to rain all week.)

5 singles each leg with the 24kg KB

5 rds for time of-
25 swings (CrossFit style overhead swing w/ 24kg KB)
5 ring muscle-ups


I actually think I could have gone faster, but I was kind of tired today for various reasons. After the TSC I plan to place a lot more emphasis on conditioning, doing the CrossFit WOD about three days a week, with deadlifts still every day, and squats and presses on the days I don't do CrossFit. I was also thinking of doing some random skill work each day after the deadlifts but before the CrossFit stuff. I might do the old Dan John WoR 2000 idea and roll a die to determine one lift or skill to work on. I have heard this was the way CrossFit was run in the early days, with a bit of strength/skill work followed by a smoker of a conditioning workout.

1 comment:

Colin said...

I find pistols super impressive. They are definitely in my training "wish list" somewhere along the line. Good work on that.

I was involved in a discussion on swing height on DD a day or so ago. I've always just stuck with chest height - it just kinda naturally becomes weightless there for me i guess. What you think is benefit of taking it overhead crossfit style?