Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Basically I just went to the weightroom and screwed around. To call it training would be a bit of a stretch. I will try to remember all the dumb stuff I did.


5 reps at 133#

Split jerk:
4 reps at 133#

Hack squat:
5 reps at 133#

95# behind the back finger rolls:

Box squat:
2-2-2-2-2-2 with 155#

Ordered a Captains of Crush Trainer gripper today.

1 comment:

Colin said...

A wise investment - they are ace and good to pass around your mates to make fools of (hardly any of mine can close them haha).

Thanks for advice on diet - I have a rule which I had been breaking - eat when you are hungry - its a good rule if you eat good stuff and stop when full, that has been the trouble lately. Starving myself to compensate will only compound the problem. I've always like my carbs, but I feel weak without them, so I'm going for moderate carbs, protein and fat along with a few simple rules to see how that works out. I just looking for something simple I can stick to for life :)