Saturday, February 16, 2008


The Russian Squat Assault: not a laughing matter.

Deadlift 295x5, 275x5
TGU mills, face the wall squats and muscle-ups
OHS 125x5

Back squat:
185x9x4 (4 sets of 9)

Weighted chins and ring dips:

Grip work:
3x1 minute farmer carries:
24kg KBs carried on IronMind Eagle Loops- had to set it down once in each of last 2 reps, one minute rest between carries

Pinch grip deads:
3x10# plates

24kg swings
Knees to elbows

Muddled through in 8:56
Swings and push-ups were unbroken, KTE took up most of the time.


Colin said...

Insane amount of work - especially for a guy just coming back from illness!!

How are you after these sorts of workouts?
A)Gasping for air
B)Grasping for the bucket
C)Kicking back with beer like it never happened

Martin Schap said...

A) Always
B) Rarely
C) I wish!

You know, coming back to the CrossFit workouts after a long layoff from the flu and after an even longer layoff from any serious conditioning due to the emphasis I've been placing on strength work has convinced me that strength is the key.
Even though I'm not at my top level of conditioning currently, the strenght that I've built in the past months allows me to muscle through the workouts at times that are better than I was doing the last time I started CrossFit back in January 2006.
As to puking, I've just never been a puker. I don't get nosebleeds either. I think that's just one of those things where some people do, some people don't. The other day I did that 75 power snatches workout with the assistant wrestling coach here at the college. He's a young guy, been doing CrossFit for a while, in good shape. We finished in about exactly the same time, we were both wiped, but he puked and I didn't. I don't know why.