Saturday, December 1, 2007


Today's workout called for front squats and headstand push-ups. I absolutely couldn't face the idea of going heavy on the front squats, so I did Dan John's Big 55 workout. I used 135# front squat, HSPUs and pull-ups in the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 set and rep scheme. This is a good format for the bodyweight stuff, but it was actually fairly easy. If I do it again I should at least do bodyweight on the front squats. I may use this format with my pistols on Monday though, because the HSPUs felt just right, and HSPUs and pistols could both handle a lot more volume. We'll see, I may still decide to do the pistols weighted. When I get my new kettlebells I will definitely be knocking out some weighted pistols...

PTP deads:

Big 55 as above

As a second workout I set the timer and did as many circuits as I could in 8 minutes of-
10 swings L/10 swings R
15 squat flip cleans
20 figure 8 to hold

Got 2 full rounds plus swings and 10 squat flip cleans into 3rd round

(Obviously) the kb stuff is still with the 16kg, but when I get my pair of 24kg bells I guess I will have to be better about being specific.

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