Wednesday, February 18, 2009


16kg halo 2x3
Band dislocates 2x5
Broomstick OHS 2x5
Broomstick low bar wall squat 2x5
Broomstick low bar wide stance squat 2x5
24kg TGU 6 minutes
20 push-ups

Low bar back squat:
245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 245x3

32kg KB C&P:

32kg weighted pull-ups:

90lbs plus implement 2 hands pinch:

32kg BU C&P:
1 rep on the right, 3 nice cleans on the left, but kept encountering a sticking point just above my head. Still, even the clean was a nice PR, and I couldn't be happier with the one rep on the right. Wasn't so long ago at all that 24kg for a single on both sides was not a foregone conclusion.


Franklin said...

32kg C&P is getting scaring strong .. very impressive! Your grip work is going through the roof!

Martin Schap said...

Thanks for the encouraging words. Grip work is one of the most "fun" things I do on some days, as I practice a lot of variety and get to hit lots of PRs. I have been thinking though that I need to narrow my focus for a bit and work only on plate curls, BUP and 2HP since those are the money lifts for me at the moment. I am also strongly considering finding a piece of chain to add to the 32kg presses. I need a way to load that move a little bit without dropping $$$ on a new KB. I just picked up a new shotgun, so the Bulldog is a no go for quite some time.

Colin said...

Remind not to break into your house (not that I do that sort of thing anyway). I think I'd take my chances with the shotgun rather than let you get a grip on my throat!!
