Sunday, March 29, 2009


16kg halo 2x5
Dislocates 2x5
Broomstick OHS 2x5
Broomstick low bar wall squat 2x5
Broomstick low bar wide stance squat 2x5
3 rds of:
10 jumping jacks
10 push-ups

1A) Bench press:
205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5, 205x5

1B) 1 hand pinch:
50x2, 50x2, 50x2, 50x2, 50x2

2A) Low bar back squat:
235x5, 235x5, 235x5, 235x5, 235x5

2B) Pull-ups:
45x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x5, 45x4

3) 32kg 2H swings:
15 at the top of each minute for 11 minutes

1 comment:

Colin said...

Nice session!!! That's a pretty big finisher of swings after all the heavy stuff.

You sure that your conditioning is bad? Haha. It looks sound to me!!