Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Another day working out in the hotel room. In the morning I did a brief PT session consisting of 3 rounds:
20 jumping jacks
10 wall facing squats (stretch, very difficult to describe)
20 sit-ups
20 push-ups (diamond, feet elevated and regular)

In the evening I warmed up with 2 rounds:
5 wall facing squats picking up 1 pood kb
5 halos left, 5 halos right with 1 pood kb
5 dive bomber push-ups

then a workout of:
3 minutes of long cycle clean and jerks (1 pood kb)

got 44 reps, so about 15 rpm

3 sets of 10 snatches

I have more or less decided to make the kb my primary conditioning tool for the time being, as the main concern currently is with developing strength. As anyone can tell you, developing world class conditioning is far easier to do than building real strength. Strength takes far more time to build and building strength requires more discipline than conditioning. With this in mind, I will not pay much attention to conditioning. Rather, my strength workouts will potentiate conditioning gains by making bodyweight and weights for conditioning workouts that much easier to move.

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