Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I started an experiment today with the deads. I was re-reading PTP last night and got to thinking about Pavel's recommendation that reps be kept to a total of no more than 10 on the work sets. From here on out I will keep the first set of 5 low and will not increase that weight during cycles. The set of 4 will increase and will be the first work set.

Back squat w/ chains:

The chains might add 40# to the top of the lift. I need to weigh them, because really that's just a swag.

Press: (one powerclean precedes each set of presses)

Weighted pull-ups:

Presses and Pull-ups were supersetted.

I will keep the weight constant on squats, presses and pull-ups for at least the next two weeks. My goal is to perform all reps perfectly. Today was fine, but not every rep was as strict as I'd like. In particular, I want to work on constant tension in all three lifts. I have to work on pulling myself down in the squat, and ensuring that each pull-up is with shoulders back and down and a TSC strict throat or chest touch to the bar, and in the press I need to focus on squeezing the hell out of the bar and actively pulling it down to chest level.

I finished out the workout with farmer carries using 80# dbs. This lasted about 3 minutes and covered about 100-150 meters.

Later in the day I did my conditioning workout. I warmed up with 23 minutes of kettlebell and bodyweight drills. First I did the 20/50 pull-ups/push-ups program as described in an earlier post. Then I did wall facing squats, tactical lunges, figure eight to a hold, maxercist rows, windmills, etc.

The dice roll came up a 7, so I did one arm swings 10L/10R for a total of 120 in the first 6 minutes, taking it pretty easy. During the last minute I went all out and got a total of 40 more swings by switching arms every 2 reps.

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