Monday, November 19, 2007


I almost didn't get to lift today. First I decided not to lift in the morning because I didn't go straight to the office and I didn't want to lift at home because it would have woken Annie and Anja. Then I didn't do it at lunch because I mistakenly believed I had a meeting, so I thought I wouldn't have time. Finally I did get to lift, but it was the last part of the day instead of the first and now I'm getting to bed a bit later than I would have liked.

Warm up:
3 rds of
5 pull-ups
8 kettlebell snatches
5 feet elevated diamond push-ups
1 deadlift (ramping up from 145 to 235)

PTP Deads 5-5

5-5-5-4-3-2-1 Back squat

5-5-5-5-5 Powerclean

Side Press 3-3-3

The p-cleans are finally approaching my limit for 5 reps. I may try to get up to 195 for one set next week, then hold steady and try to get at least 3 sets at 195 before upping the top weight again. No conditioning today, was going to try out my new Hungarian Core Blaster, but I had already done a lot of big pulls, so maybe a different time.

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