Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Weights for sale

The first photo, as you can see, is of the bench.
This is the torn padding right at the bottom of the bench (furthest from where your head goes).

This is the wear and tear on the head rest.

Here is the bench with the olympic bar and plates (dog not included).

Here is a detail shot of the plates loaded on the bar and held on with the collars.

Curl bar and dumbbells loaded with 10 pound plates. The dumbbell handles, like the plates, are the Gold's Gym brand.

The rest of the plates are Fitness Gear. I got them at Dick's about a year ago.


Colin said...

Does price include shipping to N. Ireland?

Martin Schap said...

Funny guy Colin. Actually I was looking at selling them to this guy here in town and he wanted to see pictures. Putting the pics on my blog seemed like the easier alternative to sending them in an email. I almost posted an explanation since I knew it would seem kind of weird...

Colin said...

Haha - got anything in mind you wanna buy with the money?

Good luck in those tests tomorrow, mental and physical.