Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's coming...

From the Performance Menu yesterday.
"Some questions have been circulating about the upcoming WOD schedule. For at least the first 16 weeks, we will train Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; Thursday and Sunday will be rest days."

That's almost MY exact training schedule!

From the Performance Menu today.
"For those who will be training early in the morning and are concerned about getting the day's workout in time, fear not. You can access the next day's workout by clicking the tomorrow link at the top of the page."

I train early in the morning! It's like this is directed specifically at me!

Earlier those who were contemplating trying the Performance Menu WOD were advised to taper this week and test 1RM back squat on Friday the 28th. I think I'm going to do it. I hadn't planned to go heavy this week, but this is too tempting. I will take Saturday as an extra recovery day, maybe just grease the groove with muscleups or something.

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