Sunday, December 14, 2008

New Program

The programming for the next little bit has been forming in my mind over the past week. I have been considering my goals, limitations, and resources and I think I have come up with one of my best programs yet. I will be training pull-ups, a barbell complex called the bear, deadlifts, swings and snatches, get-ups, bending and forearm work, and abs. The weekly template is based roughly on the ROP.

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 1 (5 max sets on 90 seconds rest)
Bear complex: Heavy day
KB snatch: Heavy day
Abs: An ab emphasis drill supersetted with an oblique emphasis drill

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 2 (1 ladder resting 10 seconds for every rep completed in the last set, then one final max set)
TGU: A few singles at 32kg or with a barbell
DL: 54321

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 3 (3 training sets each with regular pronated, close supinated and wide pronated grips, rest 60 seconds between sets)
Bear complex: Light day (same number of sets as Monday, but 2 reps less per set)
Abs: Same as Monday
KB snatch: Light day

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 4 (As many training sets as possible with normal grip, rest 60 seconds between sets)
Bending: 3-5 medium or hard pieces
Wrists: Wrist roller and levering

Pull-ups: Armstrong day 5, variety (3-7 singles plus low volume ladders)
Bear complex: Medium day (same number of sets as Monday, but 1 rep less per set)
KB swings: Medium day

TGU: High volume day with the 24kg
DL: 54321
Bending: 10-12 easy to medium pieces
Forearm/grip: Plate curls and 2 hand pinch

1 comment:

Colin said...

Yikes - that looks like a whole loada work. I take it back for harassing you to do some work last week!

Just googled the bear complex - looks like a nasty little addition to anyones workout. Definitely more of a strength endurance goal with this program.

You also seem to be on a bit of a pull up kick at the minute. Is it because you felt you should have done better on that test a little while back?

Good luck with it all, and don't forget to take time off for Christmas ;)