Sunday, April 6, 2008


3 rounds of:
10 pull-ups
20 sit-ups
20 push-ups

Need to back off the push-ups. My shoulder is pretty tender.


Colin said...

Taking a few days off? This'll be the first since you're shoulder started aching.

Any more news about that LE PT Test??

Martin Schap said...

PFT is a go. I got my nerve up and talked to my boss and he surprised me by saying I should go for it. I know I can meet the standard even if my arm falls off between now and then, but I really want to smoke it, so I need to get healthy and start training like I'm serious about this.

Colin said...

Excellent news - you'll coast through it 3 limbed :)

What does the test entail? Look forward to seeing the PLAN!!

Colin said...

Hey Martin - whats happenin'? Long time no train!!

Hope eveything OK