Friday, February 22, 2008


Face the wall squats and deadlifts
Worked up to 278x5 on the deads

Five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press


Total of 62 reps on bench, 105 reps pull-ups for a grand total score of 167
Used 165# on the bench, about 2-3 minutes rest after each set


Colin said...

You never fail to impress with your pull up's too bad you couldn't get to a TSC.

Got anything specific in mind now or is it about upping the squat and keeping whatever else you got?

Martin Schap said...

How's the wrist holding up Colin? I don't have anything too specific in mind right now. This will be a GPP phase while I decide what I want to focus on next. I may finish up the RSA and start adding a little extra running and O-Lifting to my CrossFit stuff. I've lately had the urge to gear up for a 5k in about July, just because I used to race all the time and haven't done that in over a year at least. My best 5k a couple of years ago was about a 19:45. I'd like to see if I can do better than that by just adding a running workout to the third day of every CrossFit minicycle.
By the way, those pull-ups are kipping, so they wouldn't pass muster in the TSC. For me you can usually take kipping minus about 5 to get a ballpark of where my deadhangs are. I am of the opinion that deadhang and kipping each have their merits, and I mix the two styles depending on my goal for the workout. The goal for this one was just banging out the reps, and I am still sore two days later.

Colin said...

Still good numbers - and you'd definitely be good to get over a few walls chasing crooks if you go down that route.

Wrist not especially sore but certainly weakened.

I was thinking about doing a little running while I give it a chance. Might map out a 5k on that site and see what I can do ;)