Thursday, January 24, 2008


Session 1:

DB Press:


Colin said...

I read your post for 22nd in work today and I was going to say - man that is a hell of a lot of great work. You must feel shattered after those.

Tonights looks a lot like mine - cutting back a little or is that shoulder still giving you trouble?

Colin said...

I should have it looks like mine in terms of only taking 2 lines to write it up!

Martin Schap said...

I was shattered in more ways than one. I pushed it hard on the 22nd and then later that evening started really not feeling good. I ended up spending the entire next day in bed with a sore throat, fever and headache. I wasn't 100% yesterday, as you can see by the fact that I listed my workout as "Session 1" and then never posted a 2nd session. I just didn't have it by evening. I feel almost 100% today though, so we'll see what numbers I can put up.